Tony Waltham: books published
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World of Geology, by Tony Waltham, published 2019 by Whittles Publishing: Dunbeath; ISBN 9781849954372. A book of more than a hundred photographs of spectacular and significant geological locations from all around the world, each with a short descriptive text. Order from

The Yorkshire Dales: Landscape and Geology, by Tony Waltham, published 2007 by Crowood Press: Marlborough; ISBN 9781861269720. Written for the general reader, the landscapes of the Yorkshire Dales are explained in terms of their geology and erosional history, including the caves and mines beneath the ground. Order from

Caves and Karst of the Yorkshire Dales, edited by Tony Waltham and David Lowe; published by British Cave Research Association: Buxton; Volume 1 in 2013, ISBN 9780900265464; Volume 2 in 2017, ISBN 9780900265488. Volume 1 is the definitive text on the geology and geomorphology of the limestone terrains of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Volume 2 describes the caves within each of the valleys and hills within the karst of the Yorkshire Dales and northern Pennines. Order from

The Peak District: Landscape and Geology, by Tony Waltham, published June 2021 by Crowood Press: Marlborough; ISBN 9781785008740. In the same series as the Yorkshire Dales book, the landscapes of the Derbyshire Peak District are explained through their geology and erosional history, including the mines and caves beneath the ground. Order from

Foundations of Engineering Geology, by Tony Waltham, Third Edition published 2009 by Taylor and Francis: Abingdon, ISBN 9780415469609. An introduction to all aspects of geology that are relevant to civil engineering, followed by an outline of methods of ground investigation and consideration of geohazards and ground excavation. The standard course book for students of civil engineering in universities throughout Britain. Order from

Sinkholes and Subsidence: Karst and Cavernous Rocks in Engineering and Construction, by Tony Waltham, Fred Bell and Martin Culshaw, published 2005 by Springer-Praxis: Berlin; ISBN 9783540207252. A comprehensive description of all types of sinkholes, subsidence sinkholes induced by drainage change, rock failure induced by imposed loads over cave roofs, ground investigation and geohazards in karst, remediation of sinkholes, and construction in sinkhole terrains. Order from

Sandstone Caves of Nottingham, by Tony Waltham, Fourth Edition published 2018 by East Midlands Geological Society: Nottingham; ISBN 9780951971789. The history of all the different types of caves, including the malt kilns, pub cellars, tanneries, tunnels air raid shelters and sand mines, followed by their conservation or destruction today. Order from

Geomodels in Engineering Geology: an introduction, by Peter Fookes, Geoff Pettifer and Tony Waltham, published 2015 by Whittles Publishing: Dunbeath; ISBN 9781849951395. A systematic guide, in the form of geomodels, text and photographs, to the geology and geomorphology of ground conditions that are critical to construction projects and civil engineering. Order from

Dictionary of Karst and Caves, by Dave Lowe and Tony Waltham, Second Edition published 2002 by British Cave Research Association: Buxton; ISBN 0900265248. Definitions and explanations of all features of geology and geomorphology related to caves and karst (Cave Studies. #10). Order from

Derbyshire Blue John, by Trevor Ford, edited by Tony Waltham and Noel Worley, Third Edition published 2019 by East Midlands Geological Society: Nottingham; ISBN 9780951971796. The definitive text on the geology, mining, history, production and collections of Blue John, the decorative form of banded fluorite mineral that is found only in the Castleton area of Derbyshire. Order from
Books out of print: available as used copies from AbeBooks and usual sources.

Great Caves of the World, by Tony Waltham, published 2008 by Natural History Museum: London; ISBN 9780565092160. Photographs and short descriptions of 28 of the world’s most important caves.

Karst and Caves of Great Britain, by A C Waltham, M J Simms, A R Farrant and H S Goudie, published 1997 by Chapman and Hall: London; ISBN 0412788608. Descriptions and interpretations of all sites of cave and karst SSSIs covered by the Geological Conservation Review.

Ground Subsidence, by A C Waltham, published 1989 by Blackie: Glasgow; ISBN 0216925002. Overview of subsidence processes including sinkholes, cave collapse, mine failures, salt dissolution, and compaction of clay and peat.

Yorkshire Dales: limestone country, by Tony Waltham, published 1987 by Constable: London; ISBN 0094676100. Walkers’ guide to caves, karst, crags and waterfalls within the National Park.

The Underground Atlas: a gazetteer of the world’s cave regions, by John Middleton and Tony Waltham, published 1986 by Robert Hale: London; ISBN 0709027982. Notes on the caves, known at that time, in every country in the world.

Caves, Crags and Gorges, by Tony Waltham, published 1984 by Constable: London; ISBN 0094649707. Walkers’ guide to caves, karst, scrags and gorges in limestone terrains of England and Wales.

Catastrophe: the Violent Earth, by Tony Waltham, published 1978 by Macmillan: London; ISBN 0333225953. Popular descriptions and explanations of geological disasters by volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides, floods, subsidence and mining.

The World of Caves, by A C Waltham, published 1976 by Orbis: London; ISBN 0856130990. Introduction to the subterranean world of limestone caves, their geology and formation, life within them, and great explorations around the world.